This is a for kids by kids (and chickadees) animal podcast. Every episode your host, Devon, and his sneaky little chickadee co-hosts, Chet and Cap, will dive into all the facts of one species of animal with jokes, fun facts, and quizzes along the way. You can suggest an animal at and visit our website at So what are you waiting for? Let’s explore this amazing Kingdom: Animalia.

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BONUS: Update on New Episodes + Standup With Chet

Show notes

Updates on the next episodes of Kingdom: Animalia plus some jokes!

Sorry, you have to wait a little longer for the next episodes. It’s taken extra time because we’re making a miniseries for the animal you got the riddle for, and one of them was an interview; also, we’ve updated the cover art and the website. Also homework.
Update: The miniseries has been postponed for our anual April Fools’ special!

While you wait for the next episode, listen to Chet tell you three animal jokes to pass the time. Enjoy!

The next episode is an April Fools’ Day special, so no riddle. You can send in your questions and episode suggestions to and our website is at

Until next time, keep exploring this amazing Kingdom: Animalia.

Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids is an animal podcast from Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts.

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Suggest a species of animal right here!

You—that's right, YOU—can decide on the topic for a KAZPK episode! It’s as easy as filling out this form! (Please specify the species, e.g. “Brown Bear” intead of “Bear.”)

Notice: We will shout out your name if we’re doing an episode you suggested, but only if we get you’re permission.

More Info on Contact Forms →

Animal Fact Qs and Polls

- Fun Fact Quiz: What is the fastest fish? Published 9/24/2022

How it works: When your form has been received you will get an email saying the correct answer and congratulations if you got it right or close. Your guesses are not shown publicly.

Submit the Form to Guess

- Poll: Which do you think are cooler, Octopuses or Squids? Published 8/23/2022

Note: This is just for fun. In reality all animals are equally cool.



Notice: Please do not vote multiple times (especially on the same animal). It is not fair to other voters.

Explain your vote

(I think ____ are cooler because…)

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Devon (Webmaster)
a year ago

If you notice that the comment format changing and that any comments before the change look weird, it’s not just you. It’s just that when I updated the comments it didn’t translate well. The good news is that they’ll now publish automatically.

Liam — 11/8/2022 5:23 pm PDT
a year ago

Vote: Octopuses 🐙
They are VERY smat

Jaimie — 8/25/2022 3:24 pm PDT
a year ago

Vote: Octopuses 🐙
Octopuses! I watched My Octopus Teacher and it was amazing to see how it expresses emotions.

André — 8/23/2022 7:12 pm PDT
a year ago

Vote: Squids 🦑
They can grow to size of ships, at least in the books I read.

Devon (Webmaster) — 9/9/2022 6:00 pm PDT
a year ago

The largest recorded giant squid was fifty-nine feet long.

Devon (Webmaster) — 8/23/2022 4:36 pm PDT
a year ago

Vote: Octopuses 🐙
I think octopuses are cooler because they’re so smart. Did you know they can solve Rubiks cubes and they have brains in their arms? Technically octopuses don’t have tentacles but arms. In cephalopods (octopuses, squid, cuttlefish etc) arms are shorter, more muscular and have suckers going all the way down them while tentacles are longer and only have suckers at their ends.